Thursday, April 17, 2014

You can find Bluefish in the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to Florida, and in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico species is smaller than the Atlantic bluefish. They range from 1 pound  to 20 pounds and start showing up in March in the Carolinas. They migrate in schools and feed all hours of the day. You usually find them in the open ocean and in bays.
Bluefish is a fun saltwater fish to catch as they put up a fight and are not picky eaters. They roam in schools and are easy to catch either by trolling or casting into the surf.
They are a very aggressive feeders and can go on a feeding frenzy. The best time to catch them is during the evening and early in the morning hours. A good way to catch  them at night is to get a lighted red bobber, put it on the line, and set your depth of the bait  3 feet just off the bottom. Cast out  and wait for the action of the bluefish to hit. I've done this on the piers at night. Let the bobber drift until you get a hit and let the fun begin! I have also had success with this in the surf.
Most people use a fish finder rig and fish just the bottom. If you this method you might want to put some type  of floats on the rigs to keep the crabs off. You can buy these rigs pre-made at any tackle shop.
What bait should you use?
Anything will work such as shrimp, live shrimp, cut mullet, or any cut fish you might have caught earlier. For  artificial lures use anything shiny such as a diamond jig, spoons, buck tails, gotcha plugs, and plastic shad. When handling bluefish be careful of their teeth, and always use a metal black leader or a 30 pound tested braided line or monofilament line.
You can also make your own lure by taking a red coffee straw and cutting it into two inch pieces and placing it on a treble hook or any hook you want. Then jig your lure off the bottom. They like the red color because it looks like a wounded fish. You can also use surgical tubes on a hook and jig that.
What equipment to use?
Use a 7 foot fast action rod with either a spinning reel or bait casting reel with 15 to 25 pound monofilament line. These rods can be used in boats, on piers, docks, or jetties or even wading in the surf. If you are surf fishing use the same set up except the rod will be 10 to 12 foot fast action rod.

Bluefish are not hard to catch and a lot of fun to catch. They put a big fight. I hope these tips are useful and good luck fishing!
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Here are some rigs for saltwater fishing:

double drop rig which is used to find the fish. You extend two dropper lines from the main line then attach a bead and hooks. Then add a sinker to the bottom of the rig. Most people use this rig to catch what ever is out there such as trout, flounder, whiting, and croakers. You can these rigs these yourself or you can buy them pre made at any tackle shop.

fireball rig is a double drop rig with floats attached the dropper lines. This keeps the crabs off your bait.This rig is good for blues and striped bass. You can buy these rigs premade also.

fish finder rig is also used to find the fish. Connect a swivel to the main line then attach a bead, then add another swivel to the main line then your leader, then the hook. Add your sinker to the first swivel. The bait will drift in the surf.

Another rig is the carolina rig where you attach a egg sinker to the main line, then a bead, then the swivel, then your leader and finally you add the hook. You can buy this rig pre made at any tackle shop.