Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ever want to catch flounder?

There are many ways of catching flounder but the three easiest ways are using a bobber, using the fan method on the beach, and dragging your bait under a pier or around a dock.
When using a bobber you want to position the bait about a foot to six inches  off the bottom. Use a 2/0 size circle hook. You can use cut bait, shrimp,  cut shrimp, mud minnows, and finger mullet. When using mud minnows or  finger mullet hook them thorough the lips. If you are using live shrimp hook them just behind the horns on their head. Just let the bobber set there until you catch a fish. If it is a flounder hitting your bait the bobber will go thump. Wait at least thirty seconds before you set the hook. You have to be patient with flounder as he has to swallow the hook.

Another method is using the fan method. Here you cast your lure or bait in different positions to cover more ground. For example cast at the 10 o'clock position and drag your lure or bait across the bottom as slow as you can until fully retrieved. If you don't catch any fish cast again at the 11 o'clock position and retrieve slowly again. If you don't catch a fish then continue this pattern until  after you get to the 3 o'clock position after which time you can physically move to the next area to fish, then start the fan method again. With the fan method you cover more ground thus probability of  finding the fish.

The last method of catching flounder is jigging near a post on the pier or a dock. You start at one end of a pier and jig a lure or bait next to a post or piling say maybe 10 to 15 times to catch flounder. If you don't get a strike then move on to the next post working your way down the pier or dock until you catch something. Another thing you can do is cast your lure or bail  directly underneath the pier between the post and reel it in slow as slow as you can. This will also produce strikes from flounder. Again they like to ambush their prey so take it slow and of course be patient when they do bite before reeling them in.

When catching flounder you might want to use a fishing net because they flop around a lot and get off the hook. But most importantly have a good time fishing; it's a wonderful past time and good luck to you!

To catch more fish go to  Surf Fishing.


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