There are two types of flounder. Summer flounder and Southern Flounder. The Summer Flounder is more aggressive but both require patience to fish. Summer flounder mature sexually at three years. The average fish is about 16 to 20 inches in length and weight between 4 to 6 pounds.
Both like hang out in 50 to 80 degrees water temperature. They migrate in inshore shallow areas during the spring and out to deeper water in the winter.
Flounder follow the bait fish. You find the bait fish in the water you will find the flounder. The bait fish are squid, shrimp, sand worms, smelt, sand eels, bloodworms, mud minnows, finger mullet, crabs and menhaden.
The best live bait to use are mud minnows in the spring then menhaden in the fall. Hook the bait in the lips. With shrimp hook them in the horn. Some people use small (finger) mullet in the summer months. Pro fishermen try to use whatever is abundant in the water to attract flounder. Most of the time you check and change your bait every 15 to 20 minutes. If you don't catch any fish within a hour it is time to move. They are just not there.
What type of tackle to use?
Basically all you need is a 7 Ft medium action rod with 12-14 lb test line on it. The reel is your choice but you don't need anything fancy just a saltwater reel.
The standard type of rig to use is sliding 1/2 to 2 oz egg sinkers on a steel leader with a tie on a #1 to 3/0 wide-gap or circle hook.. If you plan to make your own rig use 20 lb monofilament line as a leader. You can also add beads to the leader if you decide to make them yourself. If you want to learn how to tie knots the best place to learn is animated knots by grog. There are all kinds and types of rigs you can buy at a tackle store.
The best lures to use are small spoons, spinners, and anything with a feather on it such as a bucktails.
You want to work the water on an outgoing tide . Look for eddy's in the water or around any structure in the water. Flounder usually ambush their bait in the current. Work your bait slowly on the bottom. Flounder will mouth the bait at first so be patient, real patient to reel them in. When they do strike it will be real subtle with a slight pull on it. Again you have to be patient when reeling them in.
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Both like hang out in 50 to 80 degrees water temperature. They migrate in inshore shallow areas during the spring and out to deeper water in the winter.
Flounder follow the bait fish. You find the bait fish in the water you will find the flounder. The bait fish are squid, shrimp, sand worms, smelt, sand eels, bloodworms, mud minnows, finger mullet, crabs and menhaden.
The best live bait to use are mud minnows in the spring then menhaden in the fall. Hook the bait in the lips. With shrimp hook them in the horn. Some people use small (finger) mullet in the summer months. Pro fishermen try to use whatever is abundant in the water to attract flounder. Most of the time you check and change your bait every 15 to 20 minutes. If you don't catch any fish within a hour it is time to move. They are just not there.
What type of tackle to use?
Basically all you need is a 7 Ft medium action rod with 12-14 lb test line on it. The reel is your choice but you don't need anything fancy just a saltwater reel.
The standard type of rig to use is sliding 1/2 to 2 oz egg sinkers on a steel leader with a tie on a #1 to 3/0 wide-gap or circle hook.. If you plan to make your own rig use 20 lb monofilament line as a leader. You can also add beads to the leader if you decide to make them yourself. If you want to learn how to tie knots the best place to learn is animated knots by grog. There are all kinds and types of rigs you can buy at a tackle store.
The best lures to use are small spoons, spinners, and anything with a feather on it such as a bucktails.
You want to work the water on an outgoing tide . Look for eddy's in the water or around any structure in the water. Flounder usually ambush their bait in the current. Work your bait slowly on the bottom. Flounder will mouth the bait at first so be patient, real patient to reel them in. When they do strike it will be real subtle with a slight pull on it. Again you have to be patient when reeling them in.
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